Wow I have been negligent on posting to my web site. My excuse too busy fishing, teaching, and tieing flies. Actually lots of teaching for me this spring – which I enjoy as much if not more than fishing. Nothing more rewarding than the opportunity to teach someone to the sport that I love, live & breath.
I am loving my new home in Central Oregon! Lots of sunny days in the winter and plenty of water to fish. Almost too much. This winter I focused my days on the water on the Crooked River – a little gem to fish all year round and the winter provides some of the best fishing! I love to fish the Crooked as it has so much structure to analyze and it holds a fair number of fish. Some days the fish are very willing to take your fly and other days the fish just don’t seem to be around, but you know they are there. The structure and the fish make this an excellent river to learn to fly fish. If you’re looking to learn and you’re in Oregon – you can’t beat the Crooked as a learning paradise!

First day of Fishing in 2015! Yes a little snow but a sunny day – so no excuse not to get on the water!

A nice fish in the early April timeframe. Yes that is my favorite bamboo rod – made by my hubby – Dave Dozer

Dave and a nice Crooked River Rainbow – a great play on his bamboo rod. Yes he does makes time to fish!
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