Wow what a winter we had in Central Oregon! At one point 28 inches of snow on the ground for multiple weeks. Turns out we didn’t have deer prints in the snow but belly prints from the dear drudging through the snow.
Spring is late to come and waters are high – but this last week I have been able to get out multiple days on multiple pieces of water . It was been splendid to be on the water. Water has been high on the Lower D, one day 6200 CFS but dropping, yesterday it was 5300 CFS. Both days we have good fish action -No big Deschutes Redsides – but some nice fish in the 12 to 14 inch. Amazingly nothing on the big stone fly patterns. For me everything was on a green rockworm pattern and Dave a Cadis Pupa.
Enjoy my photo essay!

Checking out the loops on my 8 foot 6wt rod. Loved how it cast the big dry stone flies. However the fish weren’t interested.

It’s been a while since I swung flies with my 10’5″ 300 grain micro spey. So fun – a few grabs but I was snoozing.
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