Wow – early June and temperatures in the mid-90’s. Where to fish – someplace where waders aren’t required. The North Santiam River was my destination on Sunday! The balance between the cold water and warm air temperature – kept my comfortable when I was fishing. More importantly – what a fun small stream to fish. Perfect for a small weight rod and dry flies. I caught a good number of fish int he 8 to 12 inch range – but on my 7 foot 4 wt bamboo was a perfect match. Even a 8 inch fish bends the rod deeply.
The North Santiam River is situated on the east slope of the Cascades. As you can see from the photos it is a heavily forested area with splendid water with riffles, runs, and pools all holding fish. Little fishing pressure makes this a great 1/2 to 3/4 day destination.

Classic view of the numerous riffles, runs & pools to fish. Plenty of structure for fish everywhere.
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