A few weeks ago at the Federation Fly Fishers International I had the pleasure of leading the Women’s Fly Fishing Workshop. I had an awesome crew of partner instructors and an tremendous group of students anxious to take their skills to the next level. All of us had a blast and regardless of being an instructor or a student we all learned something. I am not quite sure what it is— but I love the events when women anglers get together. Below are a few pictures from the event! Enjoy

Thanks to the instructors Trish, Mary Ann, Cheryl, Kathy, Kristy,, Molly, Donna, Patty, Whitney and Heather

We started the day in the classroom – but within two hours – we were outdoors casting or headed to fishing.

We would break into two groups of 8 to allow for more conversation during each topic. Here Mary Ann is kicking off casting.

Our last topic during casting – was what to do when you fish takes your fly…Aka how to get that fish into the net.

On day 1 PM our fishing local was to the Yellowstone. Kudo’s to Susan for enticing a cuttie to your fly

On the water we broke into a teams of a fishing pro,instructor, and two students – lots of individual instruction for our anglers.

On day 2 we headed to Depuys’ by 11:00. And of course we had to stop and check out all the fish you can see in the crystal clear water.

Connie playing a nice brown that took her PMD emerger. Mary Ann getting ready to net – and then the fish took off….

And you can’t learn to fly fish without learning about the aquatic insects. Thanks to Molly and Heater for collecting.

Molly discussing the process of matching flies to the bug sampling. Too fun. You can never know too much about bugs.

Thanks to Sandy for all her leaders in making the Women Connect Happen! And to Marlene for supporting her.
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